3. Warlock

Finally, we get to classes with DC insurance. Even if you get kicked offline, the Warlock pet (especially if Demonology Specced for the Felguard) can usually clean up for you before pulled mobs smash your face. Keep your pet on defensive. High ranged DPS, a tank-like pet and the ability to heal both yourself and your pet make the Warlock a good choice for the hardcore 80. The Warlock has the unique ability to convert resources - Health to mana, mob mana/health to player mana/health, pet mana to player mana, et cetera. Judicious manipulation of the transfer of these resources makes the Warlock very tough to kill, as well as having virtually no down-time.
Difficulties with falling damage, cloth armor, and the unfortunate tendency to kill yourself are the downsides of a hardcore warlock. If you are patient with pulls, the Warlock is tough to beat.
2. Paladin

1. Hunter

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