Victim the First: Fantsypants the Ret Pally, Earthen Ring US (RP)

Date of Death: Level 27
Place of Death: Blackfathom Deeps
Cause of Death: Pulled 3 mobs in the upstairs/downstairs maze section of BFD, 2 of which were summoners. Thought before the pull: 'I'm not sure I can handle a 3-pack of runners. Eh, screw it, I'm going in.' Escape plan in case things went badly was stun, stun, stun, speed pot and run for the zone-in. Needless to say, I missed a runner mob with a stun, and he aggroed another pack. My escape plan was working to perfection until I hit that little part of the instance where you have to swim to get back to the zone-in that I had inconveniently forgotten about. When I hit the water and realized I wasn't going to make it, I started hearthing and got interrupted with about 1/2 second left on the cast timer before it would have fired off. I probably ground a millimiter of enamel off of my molars while the hearth cast bar was counting down. A bunch of Elite warlock guys beat me to death seconds later.
Result: Character deleted, broke my own personal loudness record for screaming the f-word.
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